IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
11-13 September 2019 // Limassol, Cyprus

Camera Ready preparation


Please, remember that papers must be formatted according to the IEEE 2-column conference article style, with a limit of 6 pages (plus a paid additional one).

We wish to remind you that the final (camera-ready) version of your manuscript is due by **July 31, 2019**. Final manuscripts are to be uploaded through EDAS.

Please find brief information in the following paragraphs:

**(1) Submission of the final version of your paper:**

The final manuscript is due by **July 31, 2019**. At least one author of the accepted paper must register to IEEE CAMAD 2019 at the full (member or non-member) rate. The detailed instructions for camera-ready preparation can be found at and, for registration at 

The author must ensure the compliance of their final manuscript with IEEE PDF eXpress, by considering the following steps:

i) Access the website of IEEE PDF eXpress:

ii) If you do not have an account, select “New Users – Click Here” and follow the steps to register, by entering the conference ID: **47082xp**. Otherwise, sign in with your email address and password.

iii) Select “Create New Title” for every accepted contribution.

iv) Upload the source file for Converting or the PDF for Checking and select “Submit for Checking and Converting”

v) Select “Browse” and find the file. The selected file may be a PDF for compatibility or file in another format to be converted to PDF. For more details go to the website .

vi) Select “Upload File”. You will receive confirmation that the upload was successful through an email.

vii) You will receive an email with your new PDF file, PDF verified or converted by the IEEE PDF eXpress system. If a PDF file is up to verify, the email will indicate whether it passed or failed.

Once you finished with the IEEE PDF eXpress proceeding, you may submit your manuscript through EDAS.

**(2) IEEE copyright form**

At the moment of the final manuscript submission, the Electronic IEEE copyright transfer agreement must be accepted electronically using the “Copyright” link accessible form. The contact author must complete the IEEE Copyright form. Copyright form must be filled out for each paper and not per author. We do not accept paper-based copyright forms.